newborn goats cotabato city |
this is the infamous "Guinakit", the colorful fluvial parade of gaily decorated bancas along the Rio Grande de Mindanao. the Cotabato City's Shariff kabunsuan Festival- Dec 16-19
The Golden Mosque or also known as Masjid Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah in Cotabato City, is a sight to behold when finished. The largest mosque in the Philippines as it is deemed to be.
my ina... grandmother of manny |
we either pray above or behind the men, with a division.. see this crissycrossy partision? |
this is me in yellow prayer dress withfunny looking socks |
inside the golden mosque cotabato city |
golden mosque cotabato city
Good day. I would like to ask your permission regarding the inclusion of your photo (found on this webpage: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-P-M0oqhn9yk/T4TrKXs3gMI/AAAAAAAAAK4/08HPBC0AgdM/s1600/guinakit.jpg) in a grade school textbook. You may send your reply to this email address: abivabookdev.kp@gmail.com. Thank you very much!
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