Monday, March 26, 2012

Aswang in Cotabato City

be careful what you wish for.

Some of my atheist friends have me to doubt God's existence for a moment...

from billions of billions of planets in our known universe- why would men on earth is God's favorite. ??? think about it. see diagram

and the story of Adam and Eve? eeeh. i like the story... and i thought of it as a legend. and its on the bible and Quran that they exist. would you believe they exist? i want to. but i have a different interpretation on that. that would be, however, a different topic.

so i respect their opinions like they did mine. Somehow, it got me to ask God to give me a sign that He really exist. i know in my heart he exist. my mind just cant stop making it an issue.


Believe it or not... just a couple of nights ago, we heard them. I dont wanna mention whos or whats... but we heard a cat cries in agony with heavy steps, it was almost 2am in the evening, and I woke up to that sound, still sleeping and not realizing that it was... on top of our roof.

we can feel the air sweeping in and out from the closed door and manny (my husband) was half-sitting on the side of his bed as if listening to something that I cant hear(he has this ability to hear things more clearly cause of his ears have a hardened wax that amplifies the sounds coming in. yep.. we have a hard time cleaning his ears). I wanna go back to sleep cause I dont wanna know what that was... but he signed me to zip my mouth, and I was like, c'mon! 2am and still wants a juicy gossip.

I was about to get mad- when I noticed that he was scared and breathing quickly, never in my entire life together- seen him so scared, let alone showing his emotion. I got wide eyed and got so scared myself and things ran on my head, like death and murder.

He got up, wore his shirt and went looking for his phone.

That moment, my processor gives me images of a cat being eaten at the top of our roof. or maybe... the aswang went from cat to a person cause he/she discretely knock the other door after.

No cat can climb to our apartment building because it is unusually high and it doesnt have anything that they can climb on to reach the roof of the building where our room of our maids and ours.

He heard the knock too... he typed something on his phone, thinking hes texting abe(father of manny who is fortunately in the house with ome, his mother).

He showed me text- I read it and went- c'mon... this is ridiculous. that the other person is a manananggal? c'mon... were in the city and its 2012. so i got up and sat on the bed trying to hear sounds that would anyway connect to what hes saying.

Manny managed to find a steel bar. got his cp and texted abe(father in law) whose room is on the 2nd floor, to help us upstairs...

 and manny added the message SILENTLY. I felt hopeless and scared.

I was surprised how fast abe responded, i didnt hear him coming, manny opened the door, and i was like whoa dont be so brave! but it was abe...

I somehow felt relieved.

We flapped our arms, signalling that there's someone outside.. He got scared too and talked to us to go downstairs with them. another knock and it was ome, she was like- whats up? she looks sleepy and confused. she hesitated to come in to our room and demand some explanation... and were like pulling her in... closing the door. after a minute of explaining to her what happend in silence. we decided to go down and sleep in our ina and ama's bedroom.

with the steel bar in manny's hand we went out the room without looking back and went downstair calmly to ina and ama's(what we call our grandparents) room.

when Ina opened the door of their room, she was surprised to see us all there, ama was on his bed and he kept on asking... what is it?

After we settled inside the room, we explained what happened. they listened to everything what were saying, from time to time, Ina added some of her experiences and stories from people, too.

We thought it was one of the maids. But she finally told ome, it was not her or her brother.

Suddenly, I remembered... when manny was in Davao City with ama and ina for their yearly medical checkup. I would sleep alone. no problemo. no big deal... even hearing things that is unusual and sometimes i would wait for more to answer the question in my mind: dafuq was that? after a minute... ill shrug then sleep.

but now... even with manny... i would never sleep on the room upstairs anymore. I wake up exactly 10pm already feeling recharged for the night so we can hear them moving furnitures upstairs and sometimes on the living room! living room is on the 2nd floor. the screeching sound of the steel chairs upstairs even when theres no one upstairs to move it, would scare the shit out of me.

I also remmber the time when i complained to Ina that one night, before this incident- I felt someone was outside the room, checking on the cabinets, the left over dinner. as if that person or thing is not familiar around the kitchen. told her that it could be the aswang... and the maids laughed. I was like yeah... it was funny thinking about aswang... I dismissed the idea of that creature, when she told me that she prays around 3 am for her special prayer (tahajud), like a novena thing in muslim. but... lights were still off that time.

We're told me not to talk about THEM during the night cause they can hear us... I realized that there is really the supernatural. the aswang, ghosts, the jinns, demon, devil, etc. if these exist...

GOD exists. this is the proof I was asking for.

please GOD forgive me... Please dont let them get us. or bother us... I can still feel them knocking, makes sure that i dont sleep at night.


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