Tuesday, April 10, 2012

More Pictures Taken in Cotabato City (DSLR: canon 550d)

‎55.6. And the stars and the trees both prostrate (before God in perfect submission to His laws).

Katakataka Flower
The Pulangi River also spelled Pulangui, is the longest river in Bukidnon. It is one of the major tributaries of the Rio Grande de Mindanao.

 the Pulangi River  at nighttime
The Pulangi River at Dawn
cotabato city at dawn

cotabato city: nature picture
Cotabato City: kutawato cave

cotabato city: nature picture
cotabato city: nature picture
cotabato city: nature picture

cotabato city: nature picture

cotabato city: nature picture

cotabato city: nature picture

cotabato city: nature picture

cotabato city: nature picture


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