Monday, March 26, 2012

The Science and My Faith

Here are some theories that you MIGHT NOT be interested with. but here goes:

The BIG BANG Theory
~ so God created everything in just 7 days, i believe that... Since God is on a place that we havent determined yet or will never forever know where His exact location is. I assume that His days are different from earth days... I guess this would cover the time between the exact "let there be light" day to the creation of Adam n Eve...

About Adam & Eve
~ ok so atheist are making fun on them having belly buttons... it was funny... har har - but its just a painting...
God created Adam n Eve on the 6th day same day as the apes. Ok... so what about the homo sapiens? well, I would say yes that i believe micro-evolution thingy... but Adam n Eve is what God's 'perfect-dish'

The Dinosaurs
~ So they were created before adam n eve- maybe between day 5 and 6. so would you believe apes came from that?

Here are some great Scientist who believes:

"A bit of science distances one from God, but much science nears one to him."

"There simply cannot be a creation without some kind of Spiritual the world around us we can behold the obvious manifestation of the Divine plan of the Creator." 
“What random process could possibly explain the simultaneous evolution of the eye’s optical system, the nervous conductors of the optical signals from the eye to the brain, and the optical nerve center in the brain itself where the incoming light impulses are converted to an image the conscious mind can comprehend?”

another one from him

 “It is as difficult for me to understand a scientist who does not acknowledge the presence of a superior rationality behind the existence of the universe as it is to comprehend a theologian who would deny the advances of science.”

Then the veil will be lifted
 and they will not have seen anything more 
dear to them than looking 
upon their Lord, 
may He be glorified and exalted.




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