Thursday, October 25, 2018

Prank Gone Wrong: Fake Cut on Face Makeup

Prank gone wrong: 😝

       I called my husband na nasa gym sa phone. After 6 ringing, he answered, he was panting and asked why I called.
       I said, with a shaky voice. I CUT MY FACE WITH A BROKEN GLASS
       I guess he got confused, so I added "have you seen the pic I've sent you? There's blood all over".
He mumbled a curse and disconnected the call without saying goodbye
        I remembered that i havent send the pic yet of me with the made up cut. hahaha. So i went in to the messenger and send him the realest pic of the cut.
        He typed... "I dont see it? “
        I didn't reply, I waited for the pic to be uploaded and for it to be seen... Then added that it was just a joke. 
        Apparently he didnt get to see that it-was-just-a-joke msssage... Because moments later, his grandmother came in and ask what happened to me? Told me that my husband called her and told her that I got into an accident. 
       Owh gosh! It was so awkward for me to tell her that it was a joke. What was I thinking? She must have thought that i am old to play this jokes. 
       I called manny and the phone just rang and rang. So i guess I'll be seeing him in a minute.
       Oh yes he was mad at the same time felt relieved when i told him that im sorry and that it was just a prank. He's still mad, he doesnt want to be touched. So i let him cool off.
Few minutes later, he left and went to our bedroom without saying anything
But no more five minuted he texted me. Told me to never do it again. Wew. Will never do it again. Ever 😅

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Where is Black Arrow Express, in Cotabato City?

The office is located at the back of Notre Dame Hospital, Sinsuat Ave.

It is also Air21 Express. For Shopee buyers, With the Status of their items stating that is is already at BAE Cotabato City, it is most likely that the items are already here in Cotabato City, said Air21 CotabatoCity.

If you i haven't received the items yet even though the status states that it is already here. You can follow it up on their office.

Here is the Map of the Air21 Express Cotabato City, or Black Arrow Shopee.

Monday, October 1, 2018


We went to the newest food park in Cotabato City, off peak, that was 2pm so that we will be able to enjoy the ambiance with little buzz. The place is surrounded by bug schools and I though the place is such a good location, business-wise.