the story that Ive heard about her never changed… So I somehow believe that her story was real.
we were talking horror once again with my cousins and friends the other night to scare ourselves from boredom…and since I wanted to blog as much as I could - I prmised to do it today. and so here it is…
and also- because… I got so scared last night, after thinking too much of the are-you-afraid-of-the-dark stories, that I imagined that theres an aswang staring at me from the dark spot in the kitchen,
YIPES! that i ran like a scared rat going to its tiny-little hole.
Manny was laughing, almost irritated. but better safe than sorry- right guys? she might catch me with her filthy long fingernails. full of dried blood and entrails. ew.
Whenver we hear news of aswang visiting our city or group of tall cloaked guys stealing children’s soul- we close our doors tight and windows… and if there’s hole in the wall or wherever- wed asked our parents to put something over it- before the sunset comes… the neighborhood sari sari stores will close and each house is filled with fear and silence.
I don’t even -dare -move for my dear life and just listen to whatver moving outside, and if anything is different, i got a scoop to tell my classmates about it.
I believe. that our neighbors goats and chickens were kept inside the house with them!
And everytime we survived the fright night, we would talk for hours at school that morning and tell them of how early we closed our doors and windows and such and such…
Maria Labo… however, was different, it was on for months and months, and it even made the headlines. I dont know who make this news viral, but i guess its our culture’s fault taht we tend to believe more what is unknown and different than what is boring and true.
so heres her story *of what I heard:
She was an OFW working in Singapore, an old lady was her client… she was a caregiver/helper around the house. the old lady has a power and she have to pass it on to someone else so she could die. Since her family is not accepting her ‘ability‘ - Maria took it so she could go home early since she misses her family. she become a person who has the ability to change skin, to an animal, or can self heal. They have this stone that was bound with a group of powerful jinns. She has to kill to gain more abilities (like flying, healing, giving sickness, speed, or hearing). she uses chorion to rub her skin for healing, and some oils and skins to change into a boar, a dog, or a cat. etc
After her clients death, shes finally made it back home to her province. her husband saw unusual changes in her, thinking that she may be just got the ‘burn-out’ from working abroad, he just set it aside and tried to help her as he can.
but it got worst and worst everyday… she ignores her 2 year old child and would scare him and her child at night, saying that theres unseen people, asking her to do something…
when he went back home- he was amazed and even felt relieved that the house is clean and in place… then she was looking all right, and was talking to him nicely. when he asked where their child were, she ignored him. he got worried, so he asked and asked until she pointed him to the fridge. he didnt understand what shes implying, but she keeps on pointing him to the fridge, and now shes kneeling, as if begging him not to be angry. so he hurriedly opened the fridge- and got he felt he was in a twilight zone seeing parts of the child body and head, wrapped messily with a newspaper in a large bowl. it smells cows blood and entrails. that he cant understand what that was still. he was about to touch it. but maria was crying loudly now.
he felt the shock of horror as the information of sinks into his brain.
he was terrified and so angry of what happend to his child that he ran out and got the bolo begging his wife to go out of the house. she was there still crying her hands trying to fend him from his bolo. without warning, he slashed his wifes face, that made her ran out of the house and never have to see her again.
it was believed that she went hiding in places all over mindanao. she was seen changed into a boar in cotabato city and a beautiful lady with a scar across her face in davao and zamboanga city. It was crazy crazy.
Please watch this video... Very interesting and well made documentary film by a canadian.
Really did his research! Please search on youtube HighBanksE for more of this videos.